an androgynous person raises his/her/their fist in victory as cactus needles fly out of their arm. they look pretty content w/ nice eyebrow
happy bee with drill hands finally learns to grow and walk with legs and decides to backpack across europe with his backpack w/ gold handle
it's raining defective bowling balls!
Two beans jump roping to an ipod
an electric coffee cup jetpacking away from it's miserable life on earth
a framed picture of an igloo, a dog is looking at it
big hug mug
a crazy faced man with the top half of his head missing says "yay" while kirby watches maury and holding his test results
That's So Meth, ing
a turnip with a human head has an extra long middle finger. points it at a smiling pile of poop that has mouse ears
a chubby baby's feet and legs grow eyes and a kissy mouth with red lipstick, blowing a kiss to a smiling arrow
george washington grows out his hair a lil bit and holds a bag of money very flamboyantly. talkin' about causing mischief