Fat undertale skeleton has burned a house down. WITH THE LEMONS
The Zombie is mad at his cart, because it doesn't work in rain. He comments on it saying "Ayy Lmao".
Group of beetle-bugs are jamming to music.
Snoopy characters threatening eachother.
Shrimp on LSD
Joker drawn in Noire style does some shopping with Pinkamena Diane(?)
Gray mickie mouse, with "I'm about to open myself another beer" happyface.
Guy from security got a very ironic T-Shirt.
A girl loves that hey boyfriend has a hangover with their best friend, bunny.
Green skeleton needs something to eat, or his bones will not be filled with calcium.
Robin Hood with a cane tries to give a car and money to the head walking on hairs, but the head is not amused.
Your average ghost is flashing. Surprising, he doesn't have any genitalia. Or legs. And no arms.