sanic is thanking google chrome for all the help
just because im slightly balding and have some major face-problems it doesn't mean i'm un-lovable
big muscley man with yellow pasties is choking his evil chicken with horns
spring man is not creative
a stick figure man thinks that solid snake is sexy
a french bird with a beret and the french flag is falling with style
the clown is mad because the children had a little too much fun with his fake noses he gave them
several raindrops with assorted faces of much emotion
a pink elephant is riding a magic carpet with his wizard master who just so happens to be a giant tree... also its too dark to see anything.
the devil is not jesus
a nekid yellow man wrestles a red snake next to his brand new window
black nazi shoots lettuce out of his cannon-dick(and balls lol) he is also crying tears of blood