The word 'Bee' dressed up as a bee.
Someone dropped their gum into a vat of green radioactive ooze.
Horace the banana slug takes offense to being walked by his sentient salt shaker master and is making it difficult.
Inky just discovered Pac-Man's shoe from the Interracial part of the sex shop and Pac-Man points out this situation being awkward.
Literally a mind fuck.
Team Fortress 3: This Time We're Frogs and This Pond Isn't Big Enough For Both of Our Teams
The Star Ship Enterprise is within sight of Earth.
An elephant has contracted chicken pox.
ThIs MoThErFuCkEr RiGhT hErE. :o)
A clown (literally), about to be hit by thrown apples. Really they should be tomatoes but whatever.
Guy walking away throwing his hands up in disgust because some weeaboo decided he had to eat rice with chop sticks.
Guy in sunglasses handing out Tuff Nakkers. (I have no idea what those are)