Ms pacman says oh my on top of a cliff as a Lovecraftian horror with giant jagged teeth and a huge tongue arises out of the abyss.
This rad motherfucker is laying in the sun with his FUCKING STYLISH sun glasses. The sun is watching on, thinking, "Damn, son."
Don't chew on that bacon tree, or you'll get fucking shot. It's the law.
Some dude is all like, "Jesus Christ!" But then some duck walking on water wearing a scarf is all, "No, I am Duckus Christ!"
A parrot is crying. Poor parrot.
Some asshole is shooting an RPG at a school bus. Why would even do that, man?
This guy drew incomprehensible shit, so draw me two very smug men swordfighting.
Man does not realize he is, in fact, underwater.
Naked man with a cross riding a giant bike
Hitler ushering a rainbow with a single heil.
The K-On! movie starring Danny DeVito and Gilbert Godfried