Trump finally built his wall. Aliens are not allowed in the United States of America.
Gay naruto gets punches in the eye for trying to steal Miku's food.
A local child needs drawings of Kirby to keep him alive. Are you up to the task?
A baby faced potato is wearing a beanie and he is clearly unhappy.
Sonic is trying to lodge his foot inside of Tails for reasons only he understands.
An aztec god shows off his new weapon which is a finger on a stick. He has a parrot strapped to his leg because he is really into that.
A scared blue corn chip cries out to its mama, only to find that she has already been eaten.
Satan has just finished having consensual sex with Marge Simpson in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation.
He has fired his last lazer. "IMMA DOING... what with my life?"
An anon cruelly lights an Ent on fire, not knowing that he single handedly gave the war to Saruman.
A big breasted Mario throws his arms backwards in an attempt to boob slap a Luigi who is holding his hat in front of his face.