Batman turns the speed dial up to eleven on a racing donkey in space
Hae yends up and doobies down, gents, mawfawkin weed police yo
/v/ is full of blackface strawberries, apparently
TRex failing to jump rope because his arms are too small
The broccoli or the lettuce wonders the chicken
An orange hiding in oompa loompa land is hit in the sunglasses by a shuriken
Pineapple tries to hide his cocaine habits and pursue his life as a nude fashion model at the Frisco Association's show. She knows, however.
Thor rains death upon Chicago for their lack of devotion. Death, destruction, and bad writing plague the streets
This group of arbitrarily drawn border lines is much better than YOUR arbitrarily drawn border lines fo sho
A potato is dressed pretty convincingly as a hoodlum, except he's also wearing a tie. He's wearing sunglasses and refuses your request
'We think the reason for your face disfigurement was the accident where you were dunked in nuclear goo'
(007 music plays) Ronald Mcdonald DOO DOO DAH DOOOO Blam blood covers screen, mcdonalds logo in center