mexican cowboy ranger has giant white pimple/zit that is about to pop above his moustache. he looks intense.
south park decides to get itself a winter chef who raps for spare change. he sleeps in his boom box
my girlfriend ate my missing cat so i killed her.
celery and orange are too hipster for the carrot and broccoli. carrot and broccoli are so upset that they turn yellow.
the colour "blue"'s existential crisis over whether or not it is an imposter to its darker shade. dark blue approves.
omgh my ugly pig ate my balls
a green jellyfish sleeping on a blue whales back
when the sun is not looking, a cloud poops on beautiful grass
moustached angry man has a mouth twisted in the shape of the nazi symbol. good luck
giant orange fisheating godzilla terrorizes potato village. a mother and her baby potato and stepped on and killed.
a hawk with rabbit ears shoots black led light lasers out of its neck
jewish girl wears an oversized pink dress and thinks shes a wizard