Lisa S., no, that's too obvious, lets call her L. Simpson, cuts herself :/
A green and blue lamp, might look astonishingly fabulous on one night stand.
Old one-toothed grandpa surfs on a green Pacman on a black wave
The sadness of Slimy, the green Cousin of Ditto, is unbearable.
Baseball Captain won the trophy, so why would killing a man be a big deal?
four eyes, four forearms.
A cat is in a phase of shock as it gets shot THROUGH the body by an arrow. Not to the knee.
Naked Lisa is expecting a spanking by Milhouse
The most 'murican of cats!
Grumpy Cat? NO.
A thick World of Warcraft nerd is doing bad in school.
Grandma Junkiehand just shot herself more heroin on a park bench.