A Canadian stick man utters his country's typical greeting.
The previous person laments his/her lack of knowledge of a certain webcomic ,which I will not name, to avoid any arguments. Um, draw a dog.
A bacteria named Clint Westwood speaks to another bacteria in some indecipherable eldritch tongue.
Two turtles crawling towards the ocean.
A strange pink humanoid creates a sun hat out of pink yarn.
A cloud has become sentient, and has transformed into some sort of cat girl, straight out of the animes.
You wake up, and suddenly your left hand has transformed into a toaster oven. What do you do?
Kirby and Poppy Bros. Jr. have become wizards, and have used magic to remove their arms.
A strange lumpy shadow being offers us some sort of bottle.
A ginger, who is a quadruple amputee, and has a banana for a mouth is crying.
An angry blue faced banana stares at an equally angry lemon.
A man with pink eye talks to the sentient, disembodied finger of the Jolly Green Giant.