I'm trying to develop some artistic ability.Someday I will into artBut probably not
Ornstein as Alice in wonderland, complete with chosen undead white rabbit, and smough tweedle dee and dum
A green creature in a suit sadly watches his home disintegrate
The easiest boss in the game just got a major rework
A fertility goddess of a seafaring people. Bountiful hips&bosom. Her hammerhead shows power and balance, and her arms hold a seafood bounty.
The Sun showed up uninvited to the earth day party, but he isn't sorry.
Chuckles is about to take a cylon missile right in his cockpit
Something which is NOT a drawing, by someone who IS an idiot.
Learned Gesture: Taste the Rainbow
Something beautiful.
( Name : Rolf, Class : Son of a Shepherd ) visits Firelink Shrine for the first time.
Sniper inadvertently shows his power level during his time off.