Patrick and Spongebob star in bukkake film
A gentleman with monocle and jauntily angled top hat enjoys a cup of tea, as he is wont to do on a Sunday afternoon
This guy's so angry he's breathing fire
This dude just doesn't get it
The Grim Reaper and a pink My Little Pony discuss love
A disgruntled slice of pizza asks himself what he's angry about, he is unsure as to where his rage originates
A walrus in a tophat
Glowsticks being waved around to a mad beat in the dark- mmmtssmmmtssmmmtss
Abraham Lincoln says "and I was like baby, baby, baby" to JFK, who looks glum
A low-res dinosaur lazily chomps at a couple of monochromatic butterflies (no effort put in, next guy do better please :))
Your mother, toking on a fat spliff, calls out 'hey son!'. She either wants to share with you or wants you to get some munch, she's blazed
A man is suffocated under a tidal wave of cats; a veritable catocalypse! Also, four batmen are visible poking their ears above the catwave