My TF2 sketches are like teleported bread... Tumorous
Archimedes is being used as a balloon, I think. He looks uncomfortable.
Spy is Squirtle and Engie is Bulbasaur???
Soldier has turned into an angry, tiny dog. Heavy is amused, Medic tries to heal the Soldier-dog
Merasmus tries to make bath-time fun
Scout needs Medic to kiss his boo boo better. Medic promptly directs him to Weenie Hut General.
Scout, wearing a sadistic smile on his face, has stolen Pyro's giant lolipop
Scout is really into Splatoon and is trying to get Spy into it or else he won't leave
In Pyro's eyes, he's riding an Engie-corn. I don't really know what he's doing in reality.
Heavy's eyes are melting because one of Medic's doves is bathing in his hands, trusting him not to squash it
Two loaves of bread flick Soldier off, maybe cause he teleported them or something. Either way, they won't take him back for what he's done.
Spy is secretly a bubble-blower
Heavy is literally carrying the entire team