A black snitch flies past a solitary red tulip.
your favourite character ever is now your parent or guardian. how awesome is this?
A person being swallowed by a giant tadpole who is in love with him or her.
A bearded man with a monocle has three forks.
a small man's face peers out from an alien tree
A yellow pony with a pink blob for a mane believes that haters are going to continue to hate, as few people change their true natures.
A young woman with an unimpressed attitude, who is wearing a bra with lace edging, asks, "What?"
The cast of the TV show "Friends". Jennifer Anniston is sadly not wearing the popular 90's hairstyle named for her character, Rachel.
A pile of confused yellow poo says "Hi?" to the dribbling man about to lick it.
someone trolling someone I've never heard of.
someone is angry at a hot dog
a man has fallen through a chair