pull my pants around my ankles and knock me out. i'm ready b
the perfect space to have one's pants around one's ankles
"Wo" a redskin watches his red skin friends as he passes out on peyote and other unholy heathen drugs. his pants are round his ankles!
everyone waits for man to poop out a hot dog for the hotdog stand. HE RAN OUT OF HOT DOGS. poo will do. pants round ankles
girl walks in on father with his pants round ankles and he is dead
rubber ducky
dead space 2
tall boy at midget school gets gang bashed daily. pants round ankles
bob nmarley givs the litld burd a tip of 1 dollar and films it to upload to utube "giving hobo $1 fix the world kony 2012"
man with pants round ankles at the beach has 100 pound weight dropped on his face and the sun is red and there is a blood donation
Double prank reversal. Pants are round ankles
Barney the dinosaur walks in on man with pants round ankles