Death penguin jumps towards blue bird in nest in tree!
Man falling off grassy cliff. In distance, brown mountain. In foreground, shovel stuck in dirt patch.
Brunette frogman with hair dryer wearing blue t-shirt and crying
Isometric view of a brown upright piano, "gay" written on side.
A red man puts his penis in a black duck, who is both alarmed and dead.
Man with fangs and four sets of wings. Angry eyebrows, no legs, no arms. Tail.
A brown item floats down a river, which originates on the top of a rocky, ice-capped mountain.
A sheet of lined, five-hole-punched paper sits next to a yellow, sharpened pencil. Upon the paper, there is nothing other than a huge F-.
Purpleheaded bird with arms throws a can into the rubbish bin.
Spiky hair, a grin, a tangle of limbs - it appears this mischievous young man is masturbating.
A man in a blue shirt with brown hair & brown pants is mad at a lady being screwed by a legless man.
Man with glasses is shocked by what he sees on his computer monitor. He should be more careful about SafeSearch.