A slice of bacon greeting the eggs and sausages on a breakfast plate.
Some sort of undead demonic flying goat lion.
A nicely drawn picture of a dude with ice cubes for eyes and no arms!
Two whales are surprised to find two bitches.The bitches have fallen in love with the whales.
Pickachu on a drug induced bender. Very frightening
A sad scraggly stick figure says ass
A cute puppy is locked behind bars. So sad....
Green haired chick with goggles oh her head doing a booty shake. Seems to be very happy.
A biscuit describing the teachings of Herodotus to a chicken fried steak covered in gravy. MAKE IT EPIC GUYS!
Some cookies and angels fighting for control of the great Mycenaean empire. MAKE IT EPIC GUYS!
draw some delicious crumpets. im hungry
Some little, snooty looking bobble head girl with blonde hair. She has no arms and wears a black head band