A bunch of random words. Lame. How about draw a mexican frog instead!
A girl with pigtails that i suspect is secretly a horse
A man looking up a deceased old woman's nightie.
Man with a very long extra leg (or peen-peen) steps on a flag.
The phone is ringing at donkey kongs house
Little Girl with a lollipop... you know the swirly rainbow kind. Yum.
A guy with a long broken neck saying WTF at an eagle while he pees himself
A toaster with arms and legs cooking toast
purple man with elastic arms scratching holes in the green wall behind him
a rainbow crossing another rainbow
Horse with a clown nose that is wearing a paper bag over its head. Maybe because he's really ugly or his mom embarrassed him or something...
A caveman is riding a dinosaur with a majestic rainbow in the background