man in tight spandex suit is ecstatic about his new spade but chicken secretly plots to destroy it
An enormously obese guy. The outline of his body is out of shot, however we can see his head and hands sticking out of the featureless mass.
Dolan eats Hotdog without the use of his hands... ... Who knows what his hands might be doing right now?
ugh... some homestuck character
Stickman eats his own shit. Pacman oberves and goes blind.
frog sitting on a lilypad, but labeled as a rabbit
constipated Kirby proposes to you, the viewer
Smoking is bad for you. Vegetables are good for you. Smoking vegetables is probably okay.
previous doodler ran out of skips -_- draw whatever you like
Pacman flees from a big-nosed ghost
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen and Jabba the Hutt team up to fight decency.
the entire planet is engulfed in flames. somehow