A giant dog licks a dude
A giraffe and a octopus meet, crazy anctics ensue
a hunched person tries fapping to pokemon x earthbound, the anime
someone farts a nuclear explosion and everyone runs away from it, meanwhile, a guy is behind a barrier in a wooden horse giggling to himself
A red truck driving on a highway, a man jumps out of the truck with a SMG, he screams "DLABLO" while shooting at a dinosaur chasing him
a bird picks a laser gun and shoots someone with it
a bird grabs a baloon
A dude is trying to doodle a hand triforce from a computer on his notepad and doing a mediocre job at it
a guy thinks hes cute as he looks at a nintendo ds with three buttons and no scre-pftHAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAAHa
Holy shit, this is so violent, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, no, seriously, skip this, don't draw this, don't you dare look at what this is.
a banana has awoke from its eternal slumber as the door had opened, who was foolish enough to do such a deed?
the drawer has no idea what the describer was trying to say