Two faces. one has a happy face with two eyes under, the other has a sad face with two eyes under it.
Draw what you want, the person above didn't bother trying. Good luck!
A dead, black stick figure with blood on him is lying down. Pacman (with eyes and eyebrows) has a knife and is saying "fuck yeah"
all black stick figure wearing a sombrero is riding blue shark over a rainbow that is (top to bottom) red orange yellow green and blue
At the top it says "I don't know" then there is a black cloud underneath it. The cloud is filled with 6 white stars and 2 gray squares
A baby in an egg.
A guy is carrying apples and saying "mine!"
blue stick figure says "i <3 u" to green stick figure on left side of the page. on the right of the page the red stick figure says "no skin?
Draw a poodle. Named fifi. At the park. With pink flowers. And she has a leash but no one is walking her. :)
Draw dancing food :S
blue and white pokemon throwing fire from his nose
A dead girl is laying down in the foreground. In the background there are mountains and a tree on the left side