A cylindrical Kirby flying on a cloud saying yay, while a young child with a fan hat is happy to be alive. The sun is out.
An anthropomorphic Goomba is assaulted by electricity
Our lord and saviour, O-beezy, flying in space because he's a straight up American G.
A futanari holding a plushie Cthulhu.
One armed Kanye West staring at a woman's ass while she shoves mayo into her present
A large yellow hand
A man tied to a chair being assaulted by large orange houses held by a sperm shaped dragon and Princess Peach. He appears to be enjoying it.
A disgustingly flabby sack of shit is finding that the state of his physical health is sub par. He appears to be either suicidal orapathetic
The pope's banana car with an appendage that is holding a freshly used uzi. Also, Colin Powell is preaching about black rights in the back.
A 30 year old man with severe asperger's attempting to question his mortality, and failing miserably. He also has severe facial obesity.