A man casually tosses a minion out of his fishing boat. "Get these fuckin things outta here"
baby snakes, yo
Man with salad tongs for hands is amused by human anatomy.
Man's house has sprouted fire wings and he pleads for the assistance of the Ghost Busters.
Bullies put candy corn in a poor kid's hair :(. He tells them to go screw themselves.
Giraffe made a love potion.
weird new soda brand, "dinosaur flower"
the guy won't draw what he's supposed to, so the worm and sun are displeased with him.
sad boy wish mom had hugged him more. Maybe he shoulda been a cooler kid?
Warning! Risk of avalanche.
Guy workin a dead end job. He's one of those guys that spins a sign around outside. The sign reads "pornhub"
The man just can't eat the ice cream cone. It's too darn cute.