Shoop da Woop sees something surprising.
Papo the tepid clown faces his greatest fear of public speaking using only a bicycle horn.
The Sun is a Kryptonian, and therefore powers itself ad infinitum.
A seal with legs is pretty damn sure it's a duck.
An unhappy pirate eats his boots and wears a My Little Pony shirt after losing a bet and also his leg.
Racist parachutes work only for the Blue Man Group while regular stick people fall to their deaths, forgetting their backup chutes.
Michael Westen goes to Disneyland.
BatCat mourns the Wicked Witch.
From Russia with stump.
The Liberty Bell with truck nuts.
A serious detective for the Los Angeles Police Department examines a pair of fine breasts with his Boba Fettulator 9000.
Francisco the happy art dealer is wearing his favorite polka dotted pink scarf while he serves wine to potential buyers.