The whole ordeal pissed Igor off so much, that he physically popped the brains out of his skull
Tranquilo the banjo-playing pepper thinks of Obama, who thinks of the pepper, who thinks of Obama, who thinks of the pepper, who thinks of O
The mathematical theorem of Yoda and Pikachu
Pierre the Pyromaniac approaches the Mont Blanc in his home-built hang glider, already on fire. Soon the Alps will blaze!
Nose McDangles teaches you a valuable lesson about self-esteem
A single grape is jealous of the other grapes growing in clusters
George, who was extremely short, hurled the books through the air with great force
Someone desperately needs a ray-mate!
Mr. Wolf shows off his extraordinarily round buttocks, in shining black latex pants
The Mask has gotten his head stuck in a huge piece of fudge. He looks quite disgruntled.
Satanic lego tries to trick innocent people to step on it... DON'T DO IT!!