a bunch of red words and two light pink hearts ... an anagram of those words would be 'AAA Finding Skittish Ton Sport' ... give it your best
someone is waaay too much excited about his Hot Topic T-shirt
'A doodle ghost town', as told by an old cowboy chewing some straw
Deep Purple
a yin yang like demonstration of sexual nature
draw something that you see and is not black ... I said not black!
yellow man in blue pajamas is afraid of a black worm
In a very dark room a stranger, unseen, mutters a single name: 'Hitler'. You shudder with fear.
another Deep Purple doodle ... sigh
ants having a picnic ... in space!
a lively aquarium, there's even a shipwreck inside and two bubbles that look like eyes
that awkward moment when someone gives you an uppercut, your neck stretches in a fashion similar to that of some sort of toy and stays there