A man without any limbs is about to get hit by a HUGE watermelon slice!
A banana and an orange, about to have kinky sex, clad in what appears to be a combination of fish nets and latex. And sunglasses.
Doctor... Who?
A huge icicle with a blue barrel on top of it is flying in outer space, with a galaxy in the background.
The cat just pushed that man off a ledge!
You better shrek yourself before you wreck yourself. Your time is ogre. It's a fucking ogre, ok?
A happy man and his pet squid.
A ghost on a cloud pissing on a ninja.
An asian girl being extremely upset by the fact that she has no swag.
A sad space butterfly deserted by his people, who are flying off into the distance
An Angry shovel is staring at a sleeping child through their bedroom window.
Yeah, How about NO?