A sleep deprived youth stares at a yellow screen, unable to think of anything particularly clever.
A stick figure makes untoward advances on a straw feminist.
A plate of spaghetti called mom's faghetti. It's poetic because it it is indistinguishable from a heterosexual plate of spaghetti.
Some nerd throws a book while reenacting 'Let it Go.' That pissed off another nerd, so they kame-hame-ha at them.
A Jerk holds a Jewish person at gun point as a goldfish exclaims, "What a hat!"
Anthropomorphic apple and a worm attempt to get the phone number of regular apple in a bikini.
The finer things in life.
Dudebro with huge badonk bends over seductively for his controller but toots.
Someone attempts to be funny, but fails horribly.
Okay, so Merida is into beastiality. Or at least into horses like some kind of medieval clopper.
Celty discovers that she can hide things in her neck hole.
Apparently Mario is now too metal to wear his first initial on his hat, so the M stands for murder. Pacman's goth now too.