Bob ross drops his ice cream, is sad. But that's just the way life is, you have sad times and good times. He's waiting for the good times.
The religion of peace is at it again
A frog stares at you dissaprovingly for choosing ketchup, but the ketchup is happy as fuck man like super stoked good for him
Doritos and a cup of wine have sex despite being completely different races.
A character from a shitty cartoon show fights off a dinosaur.
Two men miss women, naked in bed. Need each other for comfort.
Germany culturally enriches Brazil. Failing to realize that his lowered fertility rate still means death for the german people and identity.
Sabec the bear goes moderately fast
The fondler of Poke-Balls
Draw me the best game in the world or I'll eat your soul
Spongebob at the end of Neon Genesis Evangelion