The sudden realization that no matter what you do or who you meet, you will always be a lonely useless spec in the vast empty universe.
A man with no skin nor muscles plays a trumpet on a street corner in order to earn profit.
I was going to describe this doodle, but then a skeleton jumped out!
An alarm clock is afraid to wake up its owner due to previous accounts of domestic violence.
Zombie Elvis comes back from the dead to party with Johnny Bravo.
The prism caused by the refraction of sunlight through raindrops.
Yo man this stick figure don't even KNOW
Vampire girl is sick of your shit.
Two headed eagle battles itself for independence.
A black and white man suddenly starts to see the world in technicolor, but doesn't really even care.
Having just spilled hot sauce into his eyes, a man screams something too garbled to make out while flipping over the dinner table.
Vampire girl is tired from a long day of doing nothing vampire-related.