A blue Orc lacking any chest coverage, he has a peasant's hat, it is similar to a potato bag.
How could this happen to me, I've made my mistakes. Got nowhere to run. The night goes on as I'm fading away.
4 Chan Clovah!
U mad bro? Jokers are OP, thats right SHACO OP!
Save Tramar Robinson he was imprisoned unjustly! Join campain free Tramar 2012!
Tramar Robinson went to jail for abusing women, please campain to free tramar 2012!
Mexican hat day and Tramar Robison showed up, oh god, hes eating two dollars!
Tramar Robinson eating two dollars, what a badass.
An perfect example of corruption in society.
A man with a monocle and a banana in his hand, held high into the sky as if he has accomplished something.