1. 1
  2. 2

    New chain: do what u want lmao

  3. 3
  4. 4

    PlayerZed has figured out how to shape lightning in the form of hashtags and smiles. (lol The attempt is appreciated)

  5. 5
  6. 6

    All those years of boxing really paid off. Now Zed can ban you twice as hard!

  7. 7
  8. 8

    Zed pulling out the ban hammer

  9. 9
  10. 10

    ahahahahaha ed edd n eddy hat of discipline

  11. 11
    Ghost Player
  12. 12

    oxy vs zed boxing match

  13. 13
    Ghost Player
  14. 14

    boxing EXTREME in the desert with urmom and zed

  15. 15
  16. 16

    Boxing match in the desert

  17. 17
    Doodle or Die
  18. 18

    AAAA fight

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 3 years ago


  • PlayerZed   5 years ago
    lol "I tried" That's all I can ask for, thanks for the doodle hyena.
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  • Hyenapup   5 years ago
    welcome(?) (holy crap, I got a compliment by a doodle god!?!)
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  • PlayerZed   5 years ago
    Thank you but please don't call me that lol
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  • urmom69   5 years ago
    technically is not chainbreaking
    Editing your comment:
  • PlayerZed   5 years ago
    All of my why, I am very conflicted between amazement and UPPERCUUUTT!!! and wait why would I ban you? that's a nice pair of trunks the triangles on the gloves and muscle shapes is so good LOL the hashtags
    Editing your comment:
  • urmom69   5 years ago
    lightning uppercut to the face :)! well bc you told me you would prefer me to not draw buff zed, I'm glad you like it! xD btw the triangle technique is super hard, i don't know where you find the patience to do proper triangles lol
    Editing your comment:
  • Hyenapup   5 years ago
    this is beautiful... (sniff) I cry
    Editing your comment:
  • PlayerZed   5 years ago
    lol the triangles are really time consuming.. but sometimes the result is worth it.
    Editing your comment:
  • urmom69   5 years ago
    oh wow that's a cool palette +_+
    Editing your comment:
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