Of course milk comes out. Not only can I strengthen my bones, I can also help others. If anyone needs any milk for their coffee I can just squirt a little bit of my filthy greasy forehead milk their way.
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Ghost Player
7 years ago
I don't like this comment. I take back my happy birthday
btw i didn't get a nipple for my for my 23rd. I feel cheated. Does god hate me? I want a forehead nipple i can drink and gain a permanent +2 bone str buff. But instead i got a basket of fruits from my friends. dude seriously i got a basket of fruits. this is what life is like in America. People buy people baskets of fruits. I like was kind of cool with it but like it had way to many peaches. I dunno man, like if you are going to get something for someone's birthday you shouldnt go with a basket of fruits cause like i dont know what do with it. I already ate the fruits and i threw the rest out. uh so yeah i dont remember where i was going with this. Something something nipple forehead milk is bad youre a few months older then me, hope finland is magical as the internet makes it out to be. Hope youre hanging our with woodland elves. Tell them i say hi. Peace brother. Punch a goat if you get a chance. I don't really have a thing against goats but like I bet it would be funny. Film it. Actually don't. If you do PETA might get you. I don't want you to go to jail. Theyll probably kill you and it doesnt matter how strong your bones are. Are you drinking enough milk? You better not be drinking skim milk cause skim milk isn't milk its an obscenity against nature. You gotta drink atleast 2% milk. I think. Or like whole milk if you aren't worried about getting fat, but i understand if you are man. Age is creeping up, I don't hav the time to be as active as before. I sometimes fear life is just going to be work, its a terrible fate my young man. the fuck is this comment. i don't want to post this. i don't know how long ive been typing tbh. its been a while though. like i had a can of tuna and now its empty. yeah man im eating a can of tuna at 1:00am. life is tough. you gotta get through the tough. its got like 30g of protein though its noice, its also kind of bad cause of the mercury. you know you can only eat like 4 cans of tuna a week? wtf? is that real? like i eat atleast 1 can a day. i think im fine. but i also may not be fine. im starting to think im not. maybe this is a symptom of mercury poison. dude idk. life is a strange cookie. like a chocolate chip cookie. also i am sorry for ruining your day. PSYCHE. hope your day got wrecked booooooooyyyyyyy. I'm sorry, i really don't mean that. i hope your day was okay. also nice art man. howd you ge tso good at art? did you make a deal with the woodland elves? I know you did. I fucking know you did. what did you do to get it? I bet it was some filthy stuff. YOu disgust me. man i'd do it too though. nice art. woodland elves are cool. fuck the high elves. In conclusion: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was definitely the best Harry Potter book
that sucks to hear my friends bought me 10 litres of vodka for my birthday. EDIT: I think your friends might be worried about your health and are trying to hint it by buying you something healthy :) you have good friends EDIT 2: My drawings are powered by sleep deprivation. Also, you're a faggot! How do you like that? The gay is you. Owned? I think yes. Have you ever tried to cook a can of tuna? While i was doing my mandatory military service, we would place a napkin on an opened can of tuna. Then we would light the napkin on fire and after a few minutes it would be cooked. Maybe we just got some kind of mental disability after spending weeks in a row in the middle of fucking nowhere in a forest where it rained constantly and nobody actually cooks tuna from a can but we did it and i think it was good can't really remember anymore it was over 3 years ago maybe it tasted like poison but eating poison was the only viable way to kill time in the forest.
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Ghost Player
7 years ago
dude I've been drunk like 24/7 for the last two days lmao. Yeah my friends are nice and all but dude NO FRUIT BASKETS :) I'm sleep deprived too dude. sleep man, its nice. i got like 3 hours a sleep a night until one night i go like 16 hours. I have no idea how I'm functioning as a human being. You know calling me a faggot is mean. I am hurt. lol not really but fuck you. I want you to feel the guilt. FEEEEEEL THE GUILT. You ever have like severe remorse over the things you say? Man, I get that too much these days. I don't cook tuna. I just eat the dusgusting taste because I'm trying to look good. i dont even know why anymore. All i do is work I dont even go out anymore. But like I feel bad if I look bad or something. idk, life is stupid. Drink yoru milk. I have never met someome else that appreciates milk as much as me. <3 but -<3 cause of the faggot remark. Can i not just admire the love of milk anymore. Lol what the fuckk. Dude mandatory Military service?????????????? How do you feel about that? I have no idea what to do if America enforced that tbh. I hate American foreign affair. Dude what, you definitely got mental due to it. Don't cook tuna. Actually it might taste better I might try it. I hate the way tuna tastes. I buy the Kroger brand. It tastes like shit man. LIKE SHIT.
Dude milk is fucking awesome and i think cows are fuckign stupid for letting us suck the milk from their udders for free. And the mandatory military service was the worst most best thing that i've ever done. It really was a life changing experience.
Here is a cool story that is based on real events that transpired on this very earth. Just so you know it's real just ask my dad, he saw the whole thing with his one cyclops eye. And I wouldn't mess with him because he draws some pretty nasty cartoons on the internet. Anyway, like I was saying, there was this guy, the big man (bigger than small man) was just minding his own business walking through the park one day. 10 shameless small men came up and shanked him with their ritual daggers. This hurt the big man so bad he just shattered into a billion pieces right there, but inside of him were 5 still-breathing small men. After that now there were a grand total of 10 small men in the park so they pretty much knew right then and there they had to make a blood pact. This caused them to morph into MASSIVE MAN (larger than big man) who was essentially the most powerful being on the planet, more powerful than Isaac Newton in his heyday. This caused MASSIVE MAN to become insane because he knew he was never meant to have so much power, and so he exploded into the blood and bones of the small men who merged to become him in the first place. After that the police came upon 10 small skeletons at the park and thought, "Huh. That's kind of weird." The other policeman just looked at them and said, "yeah but I'm really hungry to go to lunch." So they pulled out their bone-disappearifier and bang, they swoop the case under the rug. But what happened of the ten small men you ask? That dark day in the underworld, the souls of ten small men gathered on the crack between purgatory and hell itself. The ferryman had refused to greet them on their journey into the afterlife. Being as small as they were, the crack opened up just a little bit and swallowed them all up, they slipped straight into hell. Now, when you die in hell you actually end up in super hell. Well the small men were so disoriented they fell and took 9999 fall damage when landing on the surface of hell, so they went right to super hell where no man ever returned from. But, the 10 small men, after all that they had experienced together, were resourceful to understand that the grand lord of hell himself, Lucifer, was not without his weaknesses. He could be bribed using a delicious smoothie. Luckily, the ten small men know this and invented a smoothie machine in secret to do the impossible. "With this, we might actually have a chance to escape from hell." One of them said. Riding a cockroach, the most feared enemy of the small men, satan appeared and announced that only one of them could leave this place alive. That's when they offered him the smoothie. Now satan, being ever the crafty opponent, offered to make a deal. If they would sell him the patent to the smoothies, he would let them go. They agreed. And that is how the 13 small men escaped from hell.
im to old for this shit,; i had to take 2 naps in between reading that wall of text to get through it.<br /><br />Also reading my comments makes me feel like I was mentally stuck to being a loud and annoying 19 year old. No offense to 19 year olds but I was loud and annoying when I was one.
Hey man I'm glad if even one person finds the stuff I typed entertaining. And me "hating" on my comments now is not about the stuff I typed (it's based cringe), it's just that reading this stuff makes me remember how fucked in the head I used to be.
Okay dude gimme some credit here I can read words, trust. Just don't really know what to say when I'm reading a rehash of a comment I made 6 years ago. Like I'll go through my doodles in this room once a year and read my dumbass comments on them but why the hell does anyone on this god forsaken website even remember them other than me? Don't read them only I can remember the cringe. (just to be sure there is no misunderstanding: i dont give a damn if u read them or if u steal them or if u spread them or if u expose them on youtube in a video titled "mikathemario: the cringe exposed?" and get 20000 views in the first 2 hours)