In room
  1. 1

    spy thinks bubblegum is disgusting

  2. 2
    Doodle or Die
  3. 3

    want jarate gum m8

  4. 4
  5. 5

    snyper going bear grylls style with jarate

  6. 6
    Doodle or Die
  7. 7

    day 1: im 'ere in the wilderness wif jus a single jar o' jarate to survoive on...spoicrabs lurkin in the grass...tentaspoi hidin in the lake

  8. 8
  9. 9

    sniper watching people have fun without him. what a loser. also hes holding jarate

  10. 10
  11. 11

    Ha snipers a loser his only friend is a jar of piss

  12. 12
    Doodle or Die
  13. 13

    Noone loves Jarate like Sniper

  14. 14
    Doodle or Die
  15. 15

    RED Sniper loves his Jarate.

  16. 16
  17. 17

    An old drawing Sniper did when he was 6 years old. He drew himself with a glass Jarate.

  18. 18
    Doodle or Die

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 10 years ago


  • nyanderp   10 years ago
    Damn, Red_pharoah, that's depressing :(
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  • red_pharoah   10 years ago
    It's not supposed to be?
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  • nyanderp   10 years ago
    Good point, but still, this thread is just... sad (In a good way, though)
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  • red_pharoah   10 years ago
    I thought the bear grylls part was hilarious
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  • nyanderp   10 years ago
    yeah totally, is his name actually Mick, though?
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  • trevorphilips   10 years ago
    yup yup it is
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  • nyanderp   10 years ago
    Huh, the more you know
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  • almightyjanitor   10 years ago
    If I may be pedantic, 'Mick' is only semi-official, it was put on a figurine without being cleared by Valve. I guess we'll have to wait for the comic to see if it'll be revealed.
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  • nyanderp   10 years ago
    IF it ever comes out, that is. "It SHOULD be done by the end of August!" the end of August came and nothing "It SHOULD be done shortly!" almost a month later: Nothing. Make up your minds, Valve!
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  • nyanderp   10 years ago
    Aaaaand his name wasn't Mick after all. His name is Mun-Dee Mundy. *sigh*
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  • red_pharoah   10 years ago
    Maybe mick is what his other parents called him?
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  • nyanderp   10 years ago
    Could be... But now we're stuck back in the loop of confusion.
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