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The player mashes the keyboard. Poor Batter.
"Progaming!" the player says as the Batter is ambushed by zone 3 secretaries. Sorry Batter your pretty much screwed
The puppeteer is too busy bragging about their gaming skills to realize Batter can't fight these certain Secretaries
player talking about how mlg they are while batter gets crushed my a secretary in the distance and his add-ons ollie outie.
The Puppeteer and the Add-Ons leave Batter, who is getting killed by a Secretary.
The Batter got squished by a secretary and the player gave up.
After the Batter fails to purify a Secretary, the puppeteer gives up
Batter getting attacked by babies as the puppeteer is grumping
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!