1. 1

    moonwalking star platinum

  2. 2
    Doodle or Die
  3. 3

    jotaro weighs his stand, star platinum. star platinum does not know how to measure his weight though!

  4. 4
  5. 5

    jotaro tells star platinum to punch the plane

  6. 6
  7. 7

    Jotaro did 9/11

  8. 8
  9. 9

    the stardust crusaders travelled forward in time and accidentally caused 9/11. i blame boingo.

  10. 10
    Doodle or Die
  11. 11

    oingo boingo predicts 9/11

  12. 12
    Doodle or Die
  13. 13

    Boingo predicted 9/11

  14. 14
    Chain Breaker
  15. 15

    josuke says nah

  16. 16
  17. 17

    Josuke refuses

  18. 18

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 6 years ago


  • darthjedi   7 years ago
    @bigdickfart fuck yourself seriously every fucking chain you're in you keep just saying "no lmao"
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  • bigdickfart   7 years ago
    Oof ouch my bones not my fault your suggestions are shit fucklord
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  • darthjedi   7 years ago
    yeah because everyone you piss off is the last guy in the chain. swallow broken glass
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  • kadensins   7 years ago
    if you dont like the suggestion just skip it?
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  • bigdickfart   7 years ago
    Ran out of skips my dude
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  • kadensins   7 years ago
    then come back when you have more skips again? no offense but thats not a very good excuse for doing this to chains
    Editing your comment:
  • bigdickfart   7 years ago
    Except it totally is, because 9/11 jokes are shit and coming back to this just to waste a skip on it is incredibly counter productive and I'd rather just derail the fuck out of it
    Editing your comment:
  • darthjedi   7 years ago
    it's not at all counter productive, you're literally the one being counter productive here by breaking the chain. what the hell is your problem, honestly?
    Editing your comment:
  • bigdickfart   7 years ago
    How is it counter productive when it deserved to be broken<br />My name is bigdickfart and I'm here to put a stop to all 9/11 jokes, and that's my problem, honestly
    Editing your comment:
  • darthjedi   7 years ago
    get a life, i'm done replying
    Editing your comment:
  • bigdickfart   7 years ago (edited: 7 years ago)
    Nice one, got me good my boy. Miss you already babe xoxo
    Editing your comment:
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