pyro lighting spy's cigarette for him
pyro lights cigarette for spy
Pyro lights spy's cigarette for him, he is thankful
Pyro light's Spy's cigarette
Spy says thdnx to Pyro for lighting his cigarette for him.
Spy smiles at Sniper's horse, Minnie's, cousin: Mickey. He doesn't have wings, but he has massive bug eyes and a long neck.
Sniper introduces Spy to his pet horse Micky, who has a long, stretchy neck and creepy fly eyes. Neither one seems perturbed by this at all.
Spy has apparently claimed Sniper's horse, Micky, as his own, and is flaunting the equine around
The Blu Spy steals the Red Pyro's trusty steed, named "Micky". Both Pyro and the horse are wearing the same mau5head. Sniper is distraught.
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!