In room
  1. 1

    Engie shows Medic his home remedy for a sore throat. He's not convinced.

  2. 2
  3. 3

    No, Engie. I am pretty sure your dingly dang diddly dong will not fix Medic's sore throat. He would know, he is a doctor.

  4. 4
  5. 5

    Engie has been reduced to a head with legs. Medic knows perfectly what he's doing, he's a doctor, after all.

  6. 6
  7. 7

    not satisfied with spycrab, medic further descends into madness turning himself and engineer into crabs too

  8. 8
    Doodle or Die
  9. 9

    crab fortress

  10. 10
  11. 11

    crab fortress 2

  12. 12
  13. 13

    crab fortress

    Ghost Player
  14. 14
    Doodle or Die
  15. 15


    Chain Breaker
  16. 16
    Doodle or Die
  17. 17

    Sniper holds up his jarate of spycrabs. His expression is equally threatening and disturbed.

  18. 18
    Doodle or Die

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 7 years ago


  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    i was catching crabs on the beach today and i know haw to draw crabs im glad i do
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    beautiful crabs
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    thank i was doing a sciencifical recearch to draw such masterpiece
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Catching crabs on the beach eh? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    lol casually, that comment pulled a smile out of me. Amazing. but really catching crabs at the beach is super fun and last time i got mega sunburnt because i was standing very still for 1-2 hours trying to catch crabs (worth it) scuttley little buggers
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    how do you catch them? Whenever I see a crab on the beach, they scurry into their hole the second they see movement.
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    1. stand outside of the hole and wait for the crab to walk towards the water, stomp on the hole to cover it (so crab cant retreat back to its OWN hole, has to find another) and corner the crab against the water .... OR 2. crouch outside of the hole with hands in a ready-to-grab/scoop-position for however long it takes the crab to crawl out enough for you to successfully grab it (my vision often goes fuzzy with both scenarios from how long waiting takes). my dad showed me how to catch them a long time ago. it's mostly just a lot of patience (and picking the right crab holes. sometimes, the crab just won't ever come out)
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    that's why i got really sunburnt. sitting/standing for a LONG time barely moving at all. the crabs are really flighty... it's also just fun to sit and watch them go about their daily tasks with kicking sand out of the hole/peeking out and scuttling around
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    Both of these scenarios are near impossible to complete if there are other people moving around nearby (or little cousins trying to watch what youre doing and wanting to try and catch them as well but not NEARLY having enough patience.. cough)
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    lol, last time i was doing it i was standing still and staring straight down at this HUGE crab hole in the sand. closer to the water and to my left, there's this person walking down the shoreline towards me - they see me just standing there for a good 5-10 minutes as they walk past. then, on their return trip, they see me STOMP on the ground and then DASH to the water - cornering a BIG OL crab. i grabbed him but dropped him shortly after because his claws were huge and i wasn't intent on getting pinched by him (the crab was a bit smaller than my palm).. the smaller ones are safer to hold. i only know about this person walking past because my father told me that the dude was looking at me like i was crazy, but started to smile after realizing what i was doing
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    fang, if you try to catch the crabs... i wish you luck. it' s a fun pastime
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    i dont know, maybe goop has another crab catching method?
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    Cool! Thanks for the info, I'll try it next time I go to the beach :D
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    You know what? I don't remember writing this prompt.
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    I wonder how long ago it was written.. age-old prompt
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    The mysteries never end<br />
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
    i wish each step was dated
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Yes I agree but also I've found crabs come out more at dusk when they hunt and they're easier to grab if you have a towel to throw and/or someone else to help you corner them
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  • veryNiceGoop   8 years ago
    well, in my country crabs are veery smal, like not more than 15 sm, they live in the holes of big rocks under or beneath water, and they are pretty lazy and slow. You don`t have to wait a bunch of time, cos theres a lot of them! but you still need patience to catch them
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    the ones i catch range from smaller than a fingernail to smaller than the palm of a hand! so pretty small. Goop, that sounds like a good crab catching scenario!
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    really, the ones i know are Ghost crabs, and it seems like casually is talking about the same ones. ive never considered using a towel -<br /> good idea! but it seems a little ungainly to me , i think ill mostly stick to using my hands. More fun to just grab them and feel them squirming anyways
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    1. Fang this chain was started about 2 years ago bc the one right before it was when you described Pancake's drawing of Ms. Pauling refusing to draw her x the whole team and you left a comment there 2. Goop that's so weird I've literally never considered that crabs have a different temperment in other countries (the more you know...) and 3. Alright Churu if you like getting stabbed in multiple places in the finger, you have fun there buddy, I just don't think it's worth it if I'm just going to let them go again
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  • fang11803   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    2 years?!
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    whatever that link was, all it gave me was an error.. "Your client does not have permission to get URL from this server. (Client IP address: ---------)<br /><br />Forbidden That’s all we know."<br />||| i deleted the url when i copypasted because its super long, but here is what it gave me
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  • fang11803   8 years ago
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    Lol, thanks for changing the link
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