In room
  1. 1

    Draw yourself.

  2. 2
    Doodle or Die
  3. 3

    ey draw yourself PASS IT ON

  4. 4
    Doodle or Die
  5. 5

    draw yourself ;)

  6. 6
    Doodle or Die
  7. 7

    draw yourself, pass it on!

  8. 8
    Doodle or Die
  9. 9

    Draw yourself baby, and pass it on! Oh yeah!

  10. 10
    Doodle or Die
  11. 11

    draw yourself pass it on

  12. 12
    Ghost Player
  13. 13

    He is Walter James Yourself the Third

  14. 14
    Doodle or Die
  15. 15

    Walter James Yourself the 3rd: Wanted for having a badass moustache

  16. 16
  17. 17

    Clever Dan with his pornstar 'stache sees something he doesn't like in the corner of his eye.

  18. 18
    Doodle or Die

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 12 years ago


  • leo666   12 years ago
    Ripper I wish you would draw yourself :( or draw me at least :p
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  • mooseyhat   12 years ago
    I'm loving dis chain! Hope it continues!
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  • danceswithzerg   12 years ago
    I KNEW IT! You were a pimp all this time..
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  • leo666   12 years ago
    hahah I love it!
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  • LiveForTheFunk   12 years ago
    Naturally. Had to add the booty for... flavor?
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  • Ripper   12 years ago
    Oh good graces, funk, you and your detachable butts--
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  • DmanBooms   12 years ago
    So I got on to lurk chains and found this. I thought to myself, I love these pass it on chains but I'm never in them.. Joined the room and played. This was the first prompt I got c: The universe is in my favor. Had to share that. But also did everyone actually draw themselves? Becuase.. well. Funk I hope you really are a big beefy black pimp haha
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  • LiveForTheFunk   12 years ago
    Detachable butts; collect em' all and trade with your friends! Yes dman, I am a big black pimp.
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  • DmanBooms   12 years ago
    Deep down inside, I knew it all along.
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  • leo666   12 years ago
    I guess I really drew myself, I'm a creepy dude with dark circles.. :3
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  • NickZeChick   12 years ago
    Haha pimpin
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  • Ripper   12 years ago
    sniffle, it, it just feels like we're one big warm family here...
    Editing your comment:
  • leo666   12 years ago
    Such adorable pervs we are
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  • danceswithzerg   12 years ago
    home sweet home
    Editing your comment:
  • mooseyhat   12 years ago
    <3 <3 <3 Feel dat luv
    Editing your comment:
  • LiveForTheFunk   12 years ago
    Editing your comment:
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