A stumped ginger girl, trying to figure out how the hell she should start this Doodle or Die chain.
Mr. stub had a growth of orange coloured fungi... He did not know what to do about it...
The mushroom had taken control of the stump and it could now grow it into a tree-sized mushroom.
The mushroom infected many other plants and took control of them.
Soon the purple mushroom grew lonely and regretted scaring all the other mushrooms away.
A mushroom is getting revenge on the cheerleader that rejected and embarresed him in high school.
Growing up next to the head cheerleader mushroom, our mushroom protagonist feel in love and decided to court her with custom-made pom poms.
A grey mushroom offering pompom to the brown mushroom and the brown mushroom think the grey one is a creep
The nervous brown mushroom eventually caved to the black mushroom's cunning persuasion, and joined the cheerleading club.
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!