In room
  1. 1

    Engie playing his guitar.

  2. 2
  3. 3

    Medic sings you the song of his people

  4. 4
    Doodle or Die
    Ghost Player
  5. 5

    medic sings the national Germany anthem

  6. 6
    Doodle or Die
  7. 7

    medic sings german national anthem, barely naked ,with a glass of beer in one hand, crying?

  8. 8
    Doodle or Die
  9. 9

    medic is shirtless, drunk and singing the german national anthem

  10. 10
  11. 11

    medic is... naked? and he sings something...

  12. 12
    Doodle or Die
  13. 13

    medic feeds birb headed heavy seeds while singing to him and also naked. looks like it anyway. also looks like he got somethin in his butt

  14. 14
    Doodle or Die
  15. 15

    medic dickbutt feeds heavy birb

  16. 16
  17. 17

    Medic as dickbutt shitting a hand into heavy bird's mouth.

  18. 18

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 7 years ago


  • Churupappa   8 years ago (edited: 8 years ago)
    only the third stanza is the national anthem. the first and second stanzas are banned, people aren't allowed to sing them. the first stanza.. is closely identified with the nazi regime, because the nazis used that (the stanza came before the nazis, but really, doesn't it scream nazi germany?). and even if you leave out the nazi regime part, "Germany above all else in the world!" doesn't sound good. stanza two is just praising women , wine, virtues, etc.
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    and for anyone who doesnt know: valve has stated that medic is/was NOT a nazi
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Ohhh okey sorry I didn't know... (darnit google getting me in trouble again)
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    And yeah, I did know Medic is not a Nazi, but I like to think that there was no way he could have not had interactions with the political party, you know, cause it was pretty popular
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Also, since Medic has probably been around since before the whole WWII thing, he probably learned the original version of the anthem and forgot to not sing the first part cause he's completely hammered (Or maybe I'm just desprately trying to justify my mistake :p )
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    im not trying to beat you down or anything, but im of the firm opinion that most people will remember not to do something like that even when drunk (i mean, it might happen, but [shrug]) medic wouldve been 13 at the start of ww2 according to the wiki
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  • Churupappa   8 years ago
    Boy, do i wish dod had a PMing feature. i hate to clog chains with comments
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  • casuallyvibratingmedic   8 years ago
    Wait really? That's cool (and yeah seriously I dunno if it's just cause I feel the urge to comment on every chain but it always seems to get pretty clogged up)
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