A yellow supergiant gives a tearful goodbye 3 miliseconds before its supernova.
Kanye West's new ingenious album cover
No, that is a hamburger. That is not Kanye West.
i choose burger over a black man
In Spongebob's universe, instead of KFC, Black people stereotypically eat Krabby Patties. Also, Sandy is a member of the KKK.
A deep sea diver offering a krabby patty to Squidward and a member of the undersea branch of the GHOSTS.
A scubaman offering the second result of squidward in google images a crabby patty, some ghost is also by squidward eyeing the burger
scuba watr u doin
A friendly neighborhood octopus calls 9-1-1 upon seeing a purple cat who is drowning due to improper snorkel usage.
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!