Hopes interefered with a mirror and a ~miraculous~ suicide
what does that even mean 2
Green eyes and text of trying to understand meaning
Disembodied eyes are nearsighted so they must get very close to the stone tablets to read the twelve commandments for beautiful python code.
Eyes with glasses reading 12 commandments of beautiful python code on stone tablets.
glasses looks at snake in a contract
i don't really give a shit what this is... a snake on a sneaker signing a contract
snake with boots reading
There's a snake in my boots!
Gasp! It doth appear that a serpent is in mine galoshes!
A sneaky man looks at you while a snake comes out of a boot
THERS A SNAEK IN MAH BEWT[](/b23)[](/b23)[](/b23)[](/b23)[](/b23)[](/b03)[](/b03)[](/b03)[](/b03)[](/b03)[](/b03)
a cowboy shoe saying some crazy shit
A cowboy boot is craaaaazy
A boot with a spur. Careful, though. This boot is CRAZY!
woody the cowboy's boot
Kickin' it old skool
2006 is apparently super
Tony Perry
mr perry and his purple facial hair
Toucan is on the case!
blue pelican or parrot standing on a guitar case
Blue bird standing on a rock
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!