The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
A pink blob monster chillaxes in an orange bush. He's saying "fuck" with a smile. Also, he only has one eye.
Fluffy Space Princess resting on an orange cloud with a flower in her hair, not giving a fuck.
purple shit
Unicorn crap.
A sparkly blue turd
A Sparkley dildo going up a guys ass
BOOBAGE ASS firing lethal injections of brown milk
chocolate starfish?
A rude star with its arms broken pushes a piggy off a cliff
Twinkle Star has caught his illegitimate domestic partner Pinkle Pig having an affair and is shoving him off a cliff. Pinkle will die.
A southern star doing what all southerners do to their livestock
guy with a mullet fucking a pighorse with a confederate flag in the background
An anthropomorphic dick having sex with an anthropomorphic dick!
middle finger
its a hand, five fingers, and the middle one has an arrow that says "this one", implying you know what...
Point to the middle finger on your left hand.
Finger. Check it.
half of guys photos on facebook...
A smug guy with squiggly arms
A guy with a unibrow and crazy noodle arms.
A man is angry, as he cannot get rid of his monobrow
He prepares to do the beard
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!