In room
  1. 1
    Doodle or Die
  2. 2

    eridan's upper half with his guts spilled all over the god damn place. clean that shit up kid. wow.

  3. 3
    Doodle or Die
  4. 4

    A dead eridan

  5. 5
  6. 6

    Eridan's grave

  7. 7
    Doodle or Die
  8. 8

    A ghost Eridan visits his grave, the grave is actually 2 graves and Eridan questions Sollux if it was really necessary to have 2 graves.

  9. 9
    Doodle or Die
  10. 10

    Eridan wants to know if it was really necessary to give each of his halves a different grave.

  11. 11
    Doodle or Die
  12. 12

    eridans body lies in two places, the top half buried on the left, the bottom on the right. eridan is not impressed

  13. 13
    Doodle or Die
  14. 14

    eridan. eridan why do you need separate gravestones for each half of your corpse

  15. 15
  16. 16

    The two halves of Eridan's body get their own graves. Furthermore, his body appears to be not entirely buried. Who the fuck buried this guy?

  17. 17
  18. 18

    Gamzee comically buries the two halves of Eridan so it appears as though he is of exceedingly long length beneath the ground. clowns, eh?

Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!

This chain roared to a finish 11 years ago


  • inwhichidoodlehomestuckthings   11 years ago
    Eridan may not be impressed, but I am. Holy WOW that drawing.
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  • toucanhahaha   11 years ago
    Thanks ! :3 (Though to be completely honest the arms are too long. Anatomy, my forever kismesis.) I was going to put Sollux somewhere swooning over the fact that there are TWO gravestones, but BAM lack of space.
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  • zach.delong   11 years ago
    I thought about making a joke about how the gravestones look like toasters, but there wasn't enough room.
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  • v-feather   10 years ago
    This entire chain is diamonds
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