A fish is frustrated that there is no cell phone reception in the sea.
Fish is DISAPPOINTED about his new iPhone.
a fish being stabbed in the head with a napkin with an apple printed on it
A fish bleeds a handkerchief with an apple embroidered on it.
a deranged whale stares at you
Whale is not impressed
Whale Plane
Orca crashes headfirst into stone, bleeds from fin.
an orca whale dies due to an oil spill as it lays on the beach with a bloody fin and oil spewing out of its mouth.
beached whale before detonation
Beach with a dead whale
a dead whale on a beach while the sun comes up.
Dead whale
a dead whale
A whale that is faced with its untimely demise.
Wailmer surfaces
couldn't read the last one was. Draw satan like one of them french girls.
satan in france
satan attacked by a web
The previous user didn't want to draw the description. What a bitch.
It is a white dog.
Red rocket poo
This is an awesome space shit that is saying good by to earth... Their love was not meant to be =,(
Outta here, suckers!
jetpack nigger extravaganza
black man with jet pack make believes he's a rocket ship
That's Raicyss!!!!11
kentucky fried niggers
KFC! Finger licking good :3
tonge betweencarots and ham
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!