Count Count counting how many times he has counted things in his life.
A carefree man dances as the numbers 1-34 count down behind him
Math song
math and music bby
difficult math
(3x^2-4) over (11x=3y^3) all to the 4th root.
Jimmy can't solve the math because he's stupid.
Americans at graduation.
It's just stupid. I can't even describe it. Draw birds or something instead.
A wrench
A disembodied smiley face holding a wrench.
Toolman bob wants a hug!
A thing with a hammer for a head, a syringe for an arm and some sorta bizarre cookie body.
Cookie with big lips is going to give you a shot after she knocks you out with a hammer.
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!