This is coat ouija. Grab a hand, a mouse, and go. The spooky thing about coat ouija you can never be sure who did the coats.
Now I know my ABCs, next time won't you sing with me?
ABCDE.......M in cursive.
Continuation of the Alphabet
xyz (hand) shit
Alphabet plus hot dog equals poop
Just some racist bullcrap. Draw a receptionist with a pen fetish.
New member finds out the KKK isn't a quilting club and just wants to leave.
Racist idiots discovering the inside of there KKK greatcoates is colored like the rainbow flag
Frank suddenly realized that "klan rally" wasn't code for "gay flash mob"
Sex Warrior Pudding
Poo bowl with boobs holding a sword
female bowl of chili with a knife
A pot of broth with a smiley face, two arms, one of them holding a knife, and two boobies with nipples!
I don't even know.
a man's crotch has arms and is shouting angrily at him.
Man getting angry at his neighbors for playing their music too loud
Partying flowers ignore a dying old man's pleas for help
At a party, three sunflowers stab an old man and stand by making fun of him
epic pink flower facepalm
a flower averts his gaze from a huge mushroom cloud explosion
A big explosion rattles a nearby flower
Exploding pterodactyl slowly absorbs red daffodils with its mouth.
an exploding phoenix eating two feathers
phoenix breaking free into the sky
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!