Coat Wentz
giant worm approaches tree
a worm looking at a tree
cute worm stares at biiig tree
worm meet tree. tree not happy.
A tree is surprised and angry that a worm has just come out of his trunk and it looks a little bit like a car
shelby the worm squirming out of a disturbed-looking tree stump
A happy worm bursts from a smug tree stump
A green caterpillar on a tree stump dancing. It is really well drawn
little worm managed to knock down a tree and set it on fire. time for a victory dance on the stump.
worm is sitting in chair watching smelly box exploding front of him.
a worm held hostage blindfolded in a chair while his buddies save him by blowing up the wall
Oh No! The terrorist raspberry gummy worms are about to blow up their hostage!
Two red worms rob an injured blue worm.
The blue worm is beaten by 2 red sausages and told to hand out the money.
"You've got a good pair of legs Rose, use 'em" -Edward
Fullmetal Alchemist
Who left all these cardboard tubes out in the rain?
A homeless man gets soggy cardboard all over him during a rainstorm.
a magnetic box takes your hair and makes a beard
a scary telephone
A bottom heavy tadpole mugging someone
Godzilla utilizes firearm weaponry!
Watch out! Dinosaurs with machine guns!
A dinosaur considering whether or not he should deepthroat a shotgun.
A strange naked green man with a blocky head contemplates suicide by eating a gun.
man killing hungry man
Scary-looking dude rising up out of the ground telling a short dude "HE COMES"
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!