Real shit right hur.
Bloo is in love.
blue from foster's home for imaginary friends falling in love with a fire hidrant
Imaginary Friend, Blue, falls in love with a fire hydrant and moves on to make thousands of children with it.
Blue hits on a fire hydrant, making it blush.
a Broken fire highdrent?
a fire hidrent has exploded
A dog penis with an STD of some sort bursting with water
aresol spray aids (aids-in-a-can)
RAID Bug Spray in a can...odd i thought that is what it was in always in
the spray attacks the bug, the bug died.
Rest in piece bug. You will be missed.
dead bug on a rainy sunny day
the itsy bitsy spider
Angry spider being a bitch with a sword
Doodle or Die is the game of "telephone" with drawing!